Attachment-Family of Origin Struggles

As adults we often realize our caregivers did the best they could with what they had while caring for us, often engaging in parenting behaviors that they learned through their childhood. Despite this, their best may not have been enough to serve our emotional, physical, and intellectual needs in the early years of our life. As such, many adults find themselves struggling with the pain and grief of what could have been as they strive to break intergenerational cycles provide for themselves and others what they did not receive .

Our early life experiences are the groundwork for the stories and beliefs we have created about ourselves, others, and the world. While these narratives and behaviors served us when they developed, if you are here searching for support, it is likely they are no longer serving you now. The good news is we don't have to stay stuck in the stories and habits of our past. In our work together we can uncover how these beliefs are affecting your current life and find ways to rewrite that narrative into one that can lead you toward the life you are longing for.