Consultation and Instruction

During my education and career I have gained extensive experience in both psychology and criminal justice. In addition to my therapeutic and testing training and experience, I having researched and taught as a professor, at the undergraduate and graduate levels in both psychology and criminal justice. I have provided instruction, and/or consultation in the areas of neurodiversity, autism, ADHD, addiction issues and treatment, therapy skills, mental health diagnostics, psychological testing, attachment and trauma, trauma-informed approach/care, criminology (theories of crime), the intersection of mental health and the criminal legal system, family violence, serial crime, public perceptions of crime and rehabilitation, juvenile justice, specialty courts, the intersection of race, gender, sex and the criminal legal system, and public policy.    

I am available to teach or consult on the the above areas, on a case-by-case basis. Additionally, I may also be available to serve as an expert witness in the court on some of the above issues, also on a case-by-case basis.